(Filmao a los alrededores de malaga y la sala cloaka... gravado por Marc Lo Porto durantes anos... idioma hablao andaluz... toda la musica del grupo Matakalarata...)

esta flipada es una especie de mezcla rara de momentos con el grupo de amigos y musicos que forman Matakalarata... esta montao al estilo montana rusa para extraer un maximo de sentimientos y sonrizas de unas pocas imagenes mal gravada... si no se rconocen en alguna parte de este video ni nunca han entrao en la cloaka no tienen porque mirarlo... pero bueno si se quieren asomar un poco y escuchar pues you welcome... preparado... listo... y ya!

Matakalarata from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.


371 MAYZ

371 MAYZ

(filmed around the world in 371 dayz starting in may... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... fourteenth digital video project by MLProductions... original language from each place... (includes Morroco, Russia, America, France)

one more year of migrating and documenting... South in Morroco... East in Russia... West in America... and North in France... the map is one again covered and everyone recovered... moving around the world and the camera around to keep himself busy and blurry MLP gives it all in one hour... patience sometimes pays off... so wait... hang on... chill out... three... seven... one... zero...





(filmed around the world in 370 + 50 days n' degres... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... thirteenth digital video project by MLProductions... original language from each place... includes America, France, Spain, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, HK, China, Macao, Philipines, South Korea.)

There are numerous ways to record and remember a great year... filming is one of them... listening another... yet it is almost impossible to record and remember it all... just like counting the dayz... wayz... stayz... so instead of trying to recreate the most accurate MLP separates states... plates... and open the gates to one's imagine nation... time free flows... temperature rises... so the viewer can see beyond his/her own visual field... this flip remains a flip... do not expect to see anything related to anything you expect from a flip... do not expect anything from a flip in the first place... just be where you are... watch what you can see... listen what you can hear... be who you are... three... seven... zero...




(filmed somewhere between Panama and Costa Rica in the caribean sea... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... thirtenth digital video project by MLProductions... original language english...)

This is an experi-mental quick flip about a living legend and super heroe... In 1996, Allan Weisbecker sold his home and his possessions and set off in search of his lifelong surfing companion, Christopher aka "captain zero", who had vanished into the wilds of Central America. "in search of Captain zero" is the book that made this former Vietnam vet and international drug smuggler's fame... this short film is simply a proof that all tales and legends originate from special human beings... if nothing else this is a historical glimpse into the real life of one of these living legends... make yourself as comfortable as you wish... see it from whatever perspective you feel... make what you want out of this...


369 WAYS

369 WAYS

(filmed around the world in 369 days n' ways... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... twelvth digital video project by MLProductions... original language from each place...)

This flip was poorly filmed for about a year... it does not show all the amazing people MLP met during his travels nor all the unique places visited... 369 ways takes you into a local pig roast in Venice beach, California... picking grappes in a castle in the wine region of Bordeaux, France... and finally drives you thru some of the most remote and untouched countries of west africa... including Morroco... Mauritania... Senegal... Mali... Guinee Conakry... Sierra Leone... and Liberia... this video is just another year to share and remember... a window into places that have never be filmed before and will never be seen like that again... once again the journey is the destination... buckle your seat belts... watch for potholes... pay attention to details... you stamped in...




(filmed around the world in 368 jours... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... eleventh digital video project by MLProductions... original language from each place...)

This is definitely not the best traveling or surfing footage one can find on the internet... this flip does not have the best soundtrack ever... and the characters in it are not hollywood stars by any means... plus there is no story nor logical way to watch it... but what you can see and hear in this flip is a unique blend of images and sounds from very random off the beaten track places and people... from the deep skiing malls of dubai... to the fancy jungles of java... into a eurotrash car tour of the counter cultures of southern europe... back to the american dream of the true caribean lifestyle... 368 jours may bore you to death or entertain for life... hope you find yourself in there somewhere or relate to someone or someplace else... c'est parti... ca tourne...

368 jours from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.




(filmed in Venice, California... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... eleventh digital video project by MLProductions... original language in english...)

54 rose avenue... Venice... California... 90291... USA... that can of sums it ip... a place that speaks for itself... a crew that will leave you speachless... a building where anything can happen at any given moment... 54 rose is more than expected... more rock n'... sex n'... drugs n'... whatever else the viewer is ready for... becoming an american resident in a flip... a alternative 90291 soapcom fan... a french tourist visiting california for a summer... a venice local character... or a another tenant at 54 rose avenue for a couple hours... whether you were there or not... 54 rose has something special to show... entertain... and tell you... this is perhaps more than anything even intended... a magic moment in a magic place... 54 rose is a series images and sounds decorated by moving transitions... it is an almost interactive flip where the viewer is not only watching but reacting... its unique and original format will keep everyone at their place and time in his-story... everyone is obviously welcome to stop watching at any given moment during the following flip... that's freedom and interactiviness in its purest form and shape... stop... play...

54 rose from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.


360 + 7 DAYZ

360 + 7 DAYZ

(filmed around the world in 360 + 7 dayz... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... tenth digital video project by MLProductions... original language from each place...)

more than any other one this flip was edited for practice... like most of the others it was never completely finished... but shows once again the other side of the camera... it also contains some unseen footage from a couple other more important flips filmed during that time... another extraordinary year of travels and friendships is portrayed in this original document... for practical reasons justice is not always being done to certain places and people... but the spirit and interest remains somehow... 360 + 7 days is another proof that the world we share is amazing and humanity is somewhat very special... there are much better and more in depth ways to record his story and surroundings... there probably are more interesting places and more important people to film... and there must be better sounds and music to use... but this has no other purpose but to entertain and watch oneself... so open your eyes... lights on...

367 dayz from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.



(filme a Los Angeles, Californie, USA... realise, filme, et monte par Marc Lo Porto... neuvieme realisation de MLProductions... langue belgo-anglo-francaise originale...)

voici la question que tout le monde se pose mais qui pourtant n'en est pas une... "who david" est un assemblage de mots et images sans pretentions... un flip sans queue ni tete tourne avec suspense... l'histoire d'un belge en amerique... un vrai... acteur... trop meme... hollywood en a peur... le genre qui existe pour de vrai et s'entraine tous les jours a muscle beach... MLP lui donne la parole... le suit dans son quotidien... l'admire... et la magie se cree naturellement... les gens reagissent... la routine prend son pied... who david grandit face aux evenements imprevus qui se deroulent sur un tapis rouge marrocain... empreinte avec humour... rendu quelque peu serieux... who david se devoile... vous etes prets... lumieres...

who david from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.



(filmed in "Dogtown", Los Anegeles, California... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... eighth digital video project by MLProductions... original language in english...)

This is one of the least seen but most talked about flip... "Poodlecity" is not directly related to the infamous documantary "Dogtown and z-boyz"... even though it uses unique footage from the original Zephyr shop... even if some of the original z-boys also make appearances... poodlecity and the boyz is almost the complete opposite... it is totally different from any expectations... because of the legendary place where it takes place and its amazing characters... poodlecity follows that same alternative spirit and breaks the established rules once again... prooving that anything is possible and everything is not showable... for that reason poodlecity remains an indenpendant and private flip that only a posse crew had a chance to premiere... some footage being censured for undefinite time poodlecity remains alive and is growing back... pause...

366 DAYZ

366 DAYZ

(filmed around the world in 366 dayz... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... seventh digital video project by MLProductions... original language from each place...)

welcome back to MLP's show... another year of travels... random footage from around the world... more bits and pieces put together... mosaic of images and sounds... practice round for MLP's original flips... 366 dayz is the continuation of a lifestyle... a collage of friends and smiles... another way to indirectly get behind camera... an excuse to open far away doors... meet new people... understand something different... see similarities between cultures... people... places... see backyard celebrities... celebrities in their backyard... you name it... MLP films it... ready... go...

366 dayz from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.



(Filmado in Las Americas, Tenerife, Islas Canarias... producido, filmado, and editado, por Marc Lo Porto... sexto proyecto video digital por MLProductions... idioma original en espanol...)

esto es el flip mas flipado de MLP... "legal y zen" no tiene ninguna historia... tampoco tiene mucho sentido... ni pretentiones a ninguna fama... todo lo contrario... este flip estuvo filmado y montado de forma que no se vea... la camara se hizo tan invisible durante la grabacion que muchas de sus imagenes "desaparecieron"... tan extrano como esta parte de estas islas piratas donde se desenvuelve... legal y zen es una prueba que el arte y la belleza se encuentran en los lugares mas inesperados... entre la gente mas diversa y alejada del mundo del noveno arte... el que se encuentra en la realidad de lo invisible... en las partes secretas de una vida marcha atras... solo el que esta realmente interesado encuentra en este flip alguna verdad sobre el poder de la camera... instrumento que puede ayudar el ojo humano a ver detalles y dimensiones que se pierden en el momento... artefacto con poder de manipulation directa y indirecta sobre el tiempo y la gente... es sobre la television... lugar mas visto de la casa... que se olvido la camera en marcha... y que empieza esta pieza...

legal y zen from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.



(Filmed in Los Angeles, California, USA... produced, filmed, and edited by Marc Lo Porto... fifth digital video project by MLProductions... original language in english...)

Dave's addiction is a true story... as real as the character on which it is based on... this is underground footage of a natural born addict and his own perspective of the underworld he surfs in... more than a "reality show"... beyond our own commercialized thoughts and ideas of narcotics... Dave's addiction is an entertaining tour of an invisible side of human nature rarely caught on film... seriously funny to watch... amusingly sad to think about... this flip is the result of deep trust between a subject and a camera... Dave's addiction is a true testament from a drug addict to the rest of the world... a legacy from human to human... a proof that everything is connected... this flip was filmed on few different days... like in every MLProductions flip... the subject decides... the viewer makes the call... ring... ring...

Dave's addiction from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.



(Filmed in Bali and Java, Indonesia... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... fourth digital video project by MLProductions... original language in english...)

"X-ray" is one of the most improvised... quickest filmed... and faster edited project of MLP... it was not thought out at all and was filmed in a couple hours and days... even though the making and editing is lacking time and places... this flip revolves only on the main character and his life story... Raymond is probably the most intense and interesting character ever filmed by MLP... on one hand the way this flip was produced does not give him justice... on the other hand it does enhance the force and uniqueness of this very special person... more than another flip... this is a rare document of an "endangered specie" of human being... this is a quick X-ray of a true character... to be criticized with moderation... flash...

x-ray from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.

365 DAYS

365 DAYS

(filmed around the world in 365 days... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... third digital video project by MLProductions... original language from each place...)

"365 days" is not a film... it could be considered MLP's first flip instead... it doesn't really obey any proper film making format... it is the first of a series of self-filmed bits and pieces put together to practice editing... this is the missing link between all the other flips put together during this first year of filming... this is the reason why one can find every character from every other more proper flip filmed that same year in it... just like it says at the very beginning... and this would be accurate for all the rest of this future series of MLP's self-camio flips... this is not a good movie... this is not a surf video... this is not a jackass film... this is MLP's not so serious but somewhat popular practice round... this is the first "behind the scenes" video where MLP makes his own appearances and show... curtains up...

365 days from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.