(filmed in "Dogtown", Los Anegeles, California... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... eighth digital video project by MLProductions... original language in english...)

This is one of the least seen but most talked about flip... "Poodlecity" is not directly related to the infamous documantary "Dogtown and z-boyz"... even though it uses unique footage from the original Zephyr shop... even if some of the original z-boys also make appearances... poodlecity and the boyz is almost the complete opposite... it is totally different from any expectations... because of the legendary place where it takes place and its amazing characters... poodlecity follows that same alternative spirit and breaks the established rules once again... prooving that anything is possible and everything is not showable... for that reason poodlecity remains an indenpendant and private flip that only a posse crew had a chance to premiere... some footage being censured for undefinite time poodlecity remains alive and is growing back... pause...