(filmed around the world in 365 days... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... third digital video project by MLProductions... original language from each place...)
"365 days" is not a film... it could be considered MLP's first flip instead... it doesn't really obey any proper film making format... it is the first of a series of self-filmed bits and pieces put together to practice editing... this is the missing link between all the other flips put together during this first year of filming... this is the reason why one can find every character from every other more proper flip filmed that same year in it... just like it says at the very beginning... and this would be accurate for all the rest of this future series of MLP's self-camio flips... this is not a good movie... this is not a surf video... this is not a jackass film... this is MLP's not so serious but somewhat popular practice round... this is the first "behind the scenes" video where MLP makes his own appearances and show... curtains up...
365 days from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.