360 + 7 DAYZ

360 + 7 DAYZ

(filmed around the world in 360 + 7 dayz... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... tenth digital video project by MLProductions... original language from each place...)

more than any other one this flip was edited for practice... like most of the others it was never completely finished... but shows once again the other side of the camera... it also contains some unseen footage from a couple other more important flips filmed during that time... another extraordinary year of travels and friendships is portrayed in this original document... for practical reasons justice is not always being done to certain places and people... but the spirit and interest remains somehow... 360 + 7 days is another proof that the world we share is amazing and humanity is somewhat very special... there are much better and more in depth ways to record his story and surroundings... there probably are more interesting places and more important people to film... and there must be better sounds and music to use... but this has no other purpose but to entertain and watch oneself... so open your eyes... lights on...

367 dayz from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.