(filmed in Venice, California... produced, filmed, and edited, by Marc Lo Porto... eleventh digital video project by MLProductions... original language in english...)
54 rose avenue... Venice... California... 90291... USA... that can of sums it ip... a place that speaks for itself... a crew that will leave you speachless... a building where anything can happen at any given moment... 54 rose is more than expected... more rock n'... sex n'... drugs n'... whatever else the viewer is ready for... becoming an american resident in a flip... a alternative 90291 soapcom fan... a french tourist visiting california for a summer... a venice local character... or a another tenant at 54 rose avenue for a couple hours... whether you were there or not... 54 rose has something special to show... entertain... and tell you... this is perhaps more than anything even intended... a magic moment in a magic place... 54 rose is a series images and sounds decorated by moving transitions... it is an almost interactive flip where the viewer is not only watching but reacting... its unique and original format will keep everyone at their place and time in his-story... everyone is obviously welcome to stop watching at any given moment during the following flip... that's freedom and interactiviness in its purest form and shape... stop... play...
54 rose from Marc Lo Porto on Vimeo.